Wednesday 14 June 2023

The Proposal By Anton Chekhov

Hello, I am Himanshi Parmar, This blog i have written as a part of teaching. The blog was written to provide study materials to my students. In this blog, i am going to discuss about Anton Chekhov's one of the finest farce named 'The Proposal'. The blog includes topics like Plot, Critical Analysis, Characters, Themes, Symbols, About the author etc.

About the Play 'The Proposal'

"The Proposal" is a one-act comedic play written by Anton Chekhov written in 1888 - 89, the play originally written in Russian language and later translated into English. The play was first performed in 1890. It's a farce. It's a farce. Despite its brevity, the play skillfully showcases Chekhov's mastery of dramatic irony and satirical social commentary. It explores the themes of love, marriage, and the absurdity of human behavior. Setting of the play is a drawing - room in Chubukov's house.

Set in rural Russia, "The Proposal" revolves around a seemingly trivial matter—an imminent proposal of marriage between two neighboring landowners, Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov and Natalya Stepnovna. Lomov arrives at Natalia's house to ask for her hand in marriage, armed with a long-winded speech prepared by his hypochondriac father.However, their encounter quickly becomes a hilarious series of misunderstandings and arguments.

From the moment Lomov enters the stage, the audience becomes aware of his nervous disposition, emphasizing his intention to propose. The play opens with Lomov discussing his fears of a "hereditary disease" with the father of Natalya, Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov. Lomov believes that marriage will cure his ailments, and Natalya, as a potential spouse, holds the key to his health and happiness.

As Lomov visits Natalya's house, the conversation takes an unexpected turn when they begin to argue over trivial matters. Such like about ownership of Oxen Meadows and whose dog is better?. A dispute erupts about the ownership of a piece of land, which escalates into a farcical debate filled with exaggerated emotions and dramatic outbursts. Chekhov employs this situation to expose the ridiculous nature of human conflicts, showcasing how trivial matters can escalate and cause misunderstandings.

The characters in "The Proposal" are archetypal representations of Russian society at the time. Lomov represents the anxious and indecisive suitor, while Natalya embodies the strong-willed and quick-tempered young woman. Chekhov uses these characters to satirize the social conventions and expectations surrounding courtship and marriage.

Through the play's humor, Chekhov criticizes the shallowness of societal norms, highlighting how people often prioritize petty disagreements over genuine human connections. Despite Lomov and Natalya's supposed love for each other, their argument over the disputed land becomes the focal point of their interaction, overshadowing any genuine emotional connection they might have.

Chekhov's skillful use of dramatic irony is another prominent feature in "The Proposal." The audience is keenly aware of the characters' misunderstandings and irrational behavior, which contrasts sharply with their own self-perception. The audience can anticipate the play's outcome, creating a sense of amusement as they witness the characters' lack of self-awareness.

In the end, after a series of comical exchanges, Lomov and Natalya finally reconcile and agree to marry. However, even in this resolution, Chekhov subtly hints at the fragility of their relationship and the potential for further conflicts. The play leaves the audience contemplating the superficial nature of many societal expectations and traditions surrounding marriage.

"The Proposal" is a delightful and concise exploration of human nature and the absurdity of social interactions. Through its witty dialogue and exaggerated characters, Chekhov invites the audience to reflect on the trivialities that often dominate our lives and the necessity of genuine communication and understanding in building meaningful relationships.

About Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov, one of the most influential and celebrated figures in the history of literature, was born on January 29, 1860, in Taganrog, Russia. He is renowned for his contributions to the fields of short stories and plays, and his works have left an indelible mark on the literary world. Chekhov's unique style, marked by its realism, psychological depth, and keen observation of human nature, continues to captivate readers and inspire writers to this day.

Chekhov grew up in a modest middle-class family. His father, Pavel Yegorovich Chekhov, was a grocer, while his mother, Yevgeniya Yakovlevna Morozova, came from a wealthy merchant family. Anton was the third of six children, and his early years were spent in Taganrog, where he received his education. However, the Chekhov family's financial situation deteriorated after his father's business failed, leading them to move to Moscow in 1876.

In Moscow, Chekhov enrolled in the Medical Faculty of Moscow University, pursuing a career in medicine. Despite his commitment to his studies, he managed to find time for his literary pursuits, writing and publishing short stories to support himself financially. He adopted the pen name "Antosha Chekhonte" during this period.

Chekhov's literary career gained momentum in the 1880s when he began publishing stories in various literary magazines. His early works, such as "The Huntsman" and "A Dreary Story," showcased his talent for crafting realistic narratives that delved into the complexities of human existence. Chekhov's stories often focused on the lives of ordinary people, exploring themes of love, loss, loneliness, and the struggles of the working class.

As Chekhov's reputation as a writer grew, he started gaining recognition beyond Russia. In 1888, he released his first major play, "Ivanov," which received mixed reviews initially but eventually earned him critical acclaim. This success marked the beginning of his career as a playwright, and he went on to write several more notable plays, including "The Seagull"(1896), "Uncle Vanya" (1899), and "The Cherry Orchard" (1904). Chekhov's plays revolutionized Russian theater, introducing a new style that blended realism with psychological depth. His characters were no longer the exaggerated figures of traditional dramas, but rather complex individuals grappling with their inner conflicts and desires.

Chekhov's approach to writing, particularly his focus on naturalism and detailed character development, had a profound impact on the literary world. He believed that literature should mirror real life, capturing the nuances of human behavior and the subtleties of everyday existence. Chekhov's stories were often characterized by open-ended conclusions,leaving readers to draw their own interpretations and allowing for a more personal and introspective engagement with his work.

Apart from his literary endeavors, Chekhov was also a dedicated physician. He graduated from medical school in 1884 and began practicing as a doctor in the rural town of Melikhovo. The experience of working in a small community provided him with valuable insights into the lives of ordinary people, which further enriched his writing. Chekhov's medical background is evident in his compassionate portrayal of characters and his nuanced understanding of the human condition.

Unfortunately, Chekhov's own life was marred by ill health. He contracted tuberculosis in the late 1880s, a disease that would afflict him for the rest of his life. Despite his deteriorating health, he continued to write prolifically, producing some of his most renowned works during this period. Chekhov's writing became more introspective and philosophical, reflecting his own struggles with mortality and the fragility of life. Even in the face of his own mortality, Chekhov remained dedicated to his craft, tirelessly creating literary masterpieces until his death on July 15, 1904, at the age of 44.

Anton Chekhov's contributions to literature have had a lasting impact. His works, known for their realism, psychological depth,and exploration of the human condition, continue to be studied and admired by scholars, writers, and readers worldwide. Chekhov's ability to capture the complexities of everyday life and his keen observations of human nature make his stories and plays timeless. His writings transcend cultural and temporal boundaries,resonating with audiences across generations.

Chekhov's influence extends beyond his own writing. His realistic and psychologically nuanced approach inspired a new wave of playwrights and authors, including the likes of Tennessee Williams and Raymond Carver, who adopted and expanded upon his techniques. Chekhov's legacy can also be seen in the evolution of theater, as his plays challenged the conventions of traditional drama and paved the way for more experimental and introspective works.

In recognition of his immense contributions, Chekhov has been honored with numerous accolades and tributes. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest short story writers and playwrights in the history of literature. His works have been translated into countless languages, ensuring their accessibility to readers worldwide.

Anton Chekhov's life and works continue to fascinate and inspire. His ability to capture the intricacies of human existence, his mastery of storytelling, and his profound understanding of the human condition make him a literary giant whose legacy will endure for generations to come.

Plot/ Summary of the play

Play performances 

Characters in the play 

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov - A land owner, Father of Natalya.

Natalya Stepanovna - Daughter of Chubukov, 25 Year old.

Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov - a neighbour of Chubukov, 35 year old.

Character Sketch of Natalya Stepanovna

Natalya Stepanovna, a central character in Anton Chekhov's play "The Proposal," is a strong-willed and assertive woman whose primary focus lies in upholding a superior image rather than fostering genuine connections. She is a daughter of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov. She is a 25 year old. As Lomov said Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper. She is also a good looking woman. And even she is educated.

Lomov : Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper. She's not bad-looking... and she went to school!... What more do i want?

While she possesses effective communication skills and a knack for getting straight to the point, her determination is directed towards maintaining an appearance of superiority.

Natalya's strong will is evident in her insistence that Oxen Meadows rightfully belongs to her family rather than Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov. She engages in arguments with Lomov over trivial matters, such as the superiority of her dog compared to his. Her preoccupation with asserting her dominance and proving her point overshadows the possibility of genuine understanding or compromise.

Lomov : My Oxen Meadows touch your birchwoods and...

Natalya Stepanovna : One moment, Please forgive the interruption, but you said, "My Oxen Meadows..." But are they yours?

Lomov : Yes, they are mine.

Natalya Stepanovna : What are you talking about? Oxen Meadows are ours, not Yours!

Lomov : No mine, Honoured Natalya Stepanovna.

Beneath her confident exterior, Natalya bears the weight of societal expectations and the fear of remaining unmarried, which adds a layer of desperation to her character. She desires to marry Lomov, recognizing the burden of being a potential spinster. However, her inclination to prioritize superficial matters and being right takes precedence over her desire for a meaningful and loving relationship.

Natalya's focus on appearances reflects her internal conflict between societal norms and personal desires. While she craves companionship and marriage, she is entangled in a mindset that values surface-level superiority over emotional fulfillment. Her insistence on trivial matters and the need to assert her family's ownership of Oxen Meadows demonstrate her skewed priorities and her fixation on maintaining a façade of superiority.

In Chekhov's portrayal of Natalya, the audience witnesses the consequences of this misplaced focus. Despite her longing for marriage, she sabotages the possibility of a genuine connection with Lomov by allowing trivialities to overshadow their relationship. Her determination to be right about superficial matters becomes a barrier to the emotional connection she desires.

Ultimately, Natalya's character highlights the consequences of prioritizing superficial appearances over genuine emotional connection. She serves as a cautionary figure, illustrating the potential damage caused by the need to assert dominance and be right in trivial matters. Through Natalya, Chekhov invites the audience to reflect on the absurdity and shallowness of societal expectations and the importance of fostering genuine connections based on understanding and emotional fulfillment.

Character Sketch of Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov

Lomov is a prominent character in Anton Chekhov's play "The Proposal." He is a middle-aged, nervous, and somewhat eccentric landowner who seeks the hand of his neighbor's daughter, Natalya. Lomov's appearance and demeanor reflect his socially awkward nature and lack of confidence. The way he hesitates when he met Chubukov as well to Natalya.

Lomov : Well you see, it's like this. I'm sorry to trouble you.... I've come to you, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch.... With a request. It's not the first time i have had the privileges of coming to you for help, and you have always....., so to speak.... I beg your pardon, I am very nervous. If you don't mind I'll drink some water, honoured Stepan Stepanovitch. (Drinks)

Here drinking water is showing nervous state of being of Lomov. As well he himself saying that he is nervous. His nervousness is also visible through his unfinished sentences.

Lomov is a hypochondriac and constantly worries about his health. He often complains about various ailments, real or imagined, which adds to his generally anxious disposition. This preoccupation with his health becomes a running theme throughout the play, causing him to overreact to even the slightest discomfort.

Lomov : I'm already 35----I ought to lead a quite anf regular life with no upsets. I'm suffering from palpitations, I'm far too excitable.

Despite his apparent weakness, Lomov is determined to propose to Natalya. He believes that marrying her will solve his financial problems and secure his social standing. However, his confidence wavers as he struggles to find the right words and constantly second-guesses himself. Lomov's indecisiveness and fear of rejection are evident in his hesitant and often stuttering speech.

Lomov : You see, Honour Stepanitch... I mean, Stepan Honouritch... Pardon me, I'm Shaking with nevrves.

Lomov's lack of self-assurance is further highlighted by his inability to assert himself in conversations and debates. He is easily swayed and manipulated by others, especially by Natalya, who engages in verbal sparring with him throughout the play.Lomov's attempts to defend his opinions or assert his authority are often met with ridicule or dismissal, leaving him feeling even more inadequate.

Despite his shortcomings, Lomov possesses a certain charm that occasionally shines through his nervous demeanor. He is well-mannered and polite, even in the face of humiliation.Lomov's genuine affection for Natalya is evident in his eagerness to please her and his willingness to endure uncomfortable situations for her sake.

In summary, Lomov is a socially awkward and anxious character whose lack of confidence is apparent in his physical appearance, nervous demeanor, and indecisive nature. Despite his weaknesses, he demonstrates a genuine desire to find love and secure his social standing, making him a relatable and sympathetic character in Chekhov's play "The Proposal."

Character Sketch of Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov, a character from Anton Chekhov's play "The Proposal," is a middle-aged landowner with a conservative outlook on life. He is a well-to-do gentleman, described as being in his forties, and portrays the image of a typical rural aristocrat.

Chubukov is a practical man, primarily concerned with matters of land and wealth. He is fiercely proud of his status as a landowner and is quick to defend his property and possessions. He values tradition and upholds societal norms, often resisting change or anything that disrupts the established order.

In terms of personality, Chubukov is characterized by his irritable and easily agitated nature. He is known for his short temper and is prone to bursts of anger. This is especially evident in his interactions with his daughter, Natalya, and her suitor,Lomov, throughout the play.

Chubukov : And you're just a malicious, two faced liar! Yes!

Lomov : Here's my hat..... My heart! Which way? Where's the door? Oh... I think I'm dying.... My foot's quite numb... (He goes to the door)

Chubukov : (Following him) And don't set foot in my house again!

Natalya Stepanovna : Take it to court! We'll see!

Chubukov : He can go to hell! (He walks about excitedly)

Despite his gruff exterior, Chubukov genuinely cares for his daughter's happiness and is eager to see her married. He is a doting father, but his overprotectiveness and strong-willed nature sometimes clash with Natalya's desires. Chubukov believes in the importance of a practical match based on financial security and social standing rather than romantic inclinations.

Chubukov's worldview is characterized by his conservative values and his attachment to material possessions. He sees marriage as a transaction, where the joining of families can secure wealth and social standing. This perspective colors his interactions with Lomov and influences his decision-making throughout the play.

Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov possesses a certain charm and wit. He engages in lively banter and displays a sharp sense of humor. His comedic timing and sarcastic remarks add levity to the play and showcase his ability to navigate social situations with a certain degree of finesse.

At last, Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov is a complex character who represents the old guard of Russian society. His conservative values, hot temper, and preoccupation with material wealth make him an intriguing figure in Chekhov's play, "The Proposal."

Themes in the play 

"The Proposal" by Anton Chekhov explores several themes that are characteristic of his works. These themes include:

1] Social Class and Marriage 

The play delves into the social hierarchy and the influence of social class on marriage. Chubukov, as a landowner, prioritizes wealth and status in finding a suitable partner for his daughter. The characters' obsession with social standing reveals the constraints and expectations imposed by their societal positions. Also Lomov wanted to find ideal wife as per social norms, and he also measured Natalya on grounds of ideal wife in society. As he says in his monologue,

Lomov : If i take time to look for an ideal wife, or for real love, then I'll never get married... (Shivers)... It's so cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper. She's not bad - looking... and she went to school!... What more do I want?

2) Love and Romance 

While the play initially presents the idea of a practical marriage, it also examines the role of love and romance in relationships. Natalya and Lomov's initial dislike for each other gradually turns into romantic interest. The exploration of their evolving emotions raises questions about the nature of love and whether it can transcend practical considerations.

3)Communication and Misunderstandings 

The play highlights the challenges of effective communication and the potential for misunderstandings in human interactions. The characters frequently misinterpret each other's intentions, leading to comic and absurd situations. The play underscores the importance of clear and honest communication to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.

4) Satire and Irony 

Anton Chekhov employs satire and irony throughout the play to critique societal conventions and human folly. The characters' exaggerated reactions, petty arguments, and self-centered behavior are presented in a comedic manner. The play satirizes the trivialities of daily life and the absurdity of rigid social norms.

5) The Absurdity of Human Existence

Chekhov often explores the existential aspects of human life, and "The Proposal" is no exception. The play highlights the irrationality and futility of human pursuits, such as the obsession with wealth, social status, and trivial disputes. It presents a humorous yet critical perspective on the absurdity inherent in human interactions and societal expectations.

6) Gender Roles and Expectations

The play also touches upon gender roles and societal expectations placed upon women. Natalya is expected to conform to traditional gender roles and marry according to her father's wishes. The portrayal of women as objects to be traded in marriage reflects the limited agency and autonomy afforded to women during that time. This dialogue of Lomov reflects Gender Role for women in society through the character of Natalya.

Lomov : If i take time to look for an ideal wife, or for real love, then I'll never get married... (Shivers)... It's so cold! Natalya Stepanovna is an excellent housekeeper. She's not bad - looking... and she went to school!... What more do I want?

7) Theme of responsibility 

Theme of responsibility is also visible in the play. Chubukov, a father of Natalya time and again reflects burden of a responsibility of grown up daughter and her future. And that's the reason why he easily convinced when Lomov ask for his daughter's hand. Here are some dialogues of Chubukov which represents theme of responsibility.

Chubukov : (Yells) He'scoming, I told you! Oh, what a burden, Lord, to be the father of a grown - up daughter!

Chubukov : (aside) What a weight off my shoulders!

These themes combine to create a satirical and thought provoking exploration of human relationships and societal dynamics in "The Proposal." Click to read more themes.

critical analysis of the play

"The Proposal" by Anton Chekhov is a comedic one-act play that provides a satirical critique of societal norms and human nature. Through witty dialogue, exaggerated characters, and absurd situations, Chekhov challenges conventional ideas about marriage, social class, and communication, ultimately offering a critical perspective on the human condition.

One of the central themes explored in the play is the role of social class in marriage. Chekhov exposes the superficiality and materialistic nature of this practice by portraying characters who prioritize wealth and status over genuine connection and compatibility. Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov, the landowner and father of Natalya, exemplifies this mindset, valuing a practical match that would secure his family's wealth and reputation. Chekhov satirizes this societal obsession with status, highlighting the absurdity of choosing life partners based on financial considerations rather than emotional connection or shared values.

Chekhov uses "The Proposal" to satirize the inefficiency and futility of human communication. The characters continuously misunderstand each other, engaging in petty arguments and misinterpreting intentions. This lack of effective communication results in exaggerated conflicts and absurdity.Chekhov critiques the human tendency to complicate matters through miscommunication and exposes the triviality of many disputes that arise due to misunderstandings.

The play reflects Chekhov's exploration of the absurdity and meaninglessness of human existence. The characters in "The Proposal" are consumed by insignificant concerns and engage in petty arguments over trivial matters. Chekhov portrays the characters' lives as governed by irrationality, showcasing the inherent absurdity of human behavior. This theme is consistent with Chekhov's broader body of work, where he often delves into existential questions and highlights the triviality of human pursuits.

Gender roles and societal expectations are subtly critiqued in the play. Natalya, the female protagonist, is expected to conform to traditional gender roles and marry according to her father's wishes. Chekhov subtly exposes the limited agency and autonomy afforded to women during that era, presenting them as objects to be traded in marriage arrangements. This criticism of gender norms adds another layer to the play's social critique.

In terms of structure, "The Proposal" adheres to Chekhov's signature style of understated realism, emphasizing the mundane aspects of daily life. The simplicity of the setting and the brevity of the play contribute to its effectiveness in delivering its critical message. Chekhov's use of comedic elements and ironic twists serves to engage the audience while subtly questioning the conventions and norms of society.

In conclusion, "The Proposal" by Anton Chekhov is a comedic play that provides a critical analysis of societal norms and human behavior.Through satire, Chekhov challenges the notions of social class, marriage, communication, and gender roles. By exposing the superficiality, absurdity, and futility of these constructs, he prompts the audience to reflect on the arbitrary and often misguided pursuits that govern human existence. "The Proposal" stands as a timeless critique of societal conventions and a testament to Chekhov's ability to highlight the complexities and shortcomings of the human condition.

I hope this blog will be helpful to you. Thank you!


Hingley, Ronald Francis. "Anton Chekhov". Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 May. 2023,

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Hello, I am Himanshi Parmar. This blog I have written as a part of teaching. The blog is written to provide study materials to m...