Friday 12 November 2021

post - Truth

      Hello, i am himanshi parmar, here i write about post - truth concept, as a task of blog writing.

  Post - truth is something in which facts have less importance or viewed as a irrelevant, but lie or personal beliefs and emotional appeals are used to convince people. It isn't matters either you are speaking right or wrong, if you have ability to speak louder than your oopponent, and if you able to prove your fake point true by your emotional appeals, people start believing you that is something called post truth. Here i am going to discuss about the definition,meaning, examples, and problems of post - truth, With the help of some news cuttings, cartons, YouTube videos, and related images.

Definition and meaning of Post - Truth :-

Definitions :-

(1)  It was named Word of the Year in 2016 by the Oxford Dictionary where it is defined as,

 "Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief."

(2) British English defined, post truth as a adjective :-

    of or relating to a culture in which appeals to the emotions tend to prevail over facts and logical arguments.

(3) According to Collins dictionary :-

   A post-truth situation is one in which people are less influenced by factual information than by their emotions or by beliefs they already hold.

After understanding all these definitions we understand that post truth means,

    In between several kind of circumstances people accept the situation or an arguments based on their emotions and beliefs, rather than based on truth and factuality, that what known as a Post - Truth.

For Example -

1] The world has entered an era of Post - Truth Politics.

2] In the post - truth era, science is needed more than ever.

   Post - Truth is something which is very much far from truth. And still people accepting that lie without questioning, just for the sake of emotions and it's louderness of expression. Here let me mention one example for this - if two people A and B are fighting with each-other, Even if B is right people take stand for A and will punish B. Because the voice of A is louder than B. A has ability to convince people with emotional arguments. This is how post - truth related with us.

Origin of the Word Post - Truth :-

    Post - Truth seems to have been first a 1992, essay by the late Serbian American Playwright Steve Tesich.In 2004 Ralph Keyes used the term "post-truth era" in his book. Also Friedrich Nietzsche is one of the chief predecessors of the concept of post-truth. He argues that humans create the concepts through which they define the good and the just, thereby replacing the concept of truth with the concept of value, and grounding reality in the human will and will to power. Then later on The term garnered widespread popularity, in the form of post-truth politics, in the period around the 2016 United States presidential election and the Brexit referendum. And because of it's copious use, "Post-truth” has been announced as the Oxford Dictionaries’ international word of the year. It is widely associated with US president-elect Donald Trump’s extravagantly untruthful assertions and the working-class people who voted for him nonetheless. But responsibility for the “post-truth” era lies with the middle-class professionals who prepared the runway for its recent take-off. Those responsible include academics, journalists, “creatives” and financial traders; even the centre-left politicians who have now been hit hard by the rise of the anti-factual.

Jennifer Hochschild, H.L. Jayne Professor of Government at Harvard University, has described the rise of post-truth as a return to 18th- and 19th-century political and media practices in the United States, following a period in the 20th century where the media was relatively balanced and rhetoric was toned down.New Scientist characterised the pamphlet wars that arose with the growth of printing and literacy, beginning in the 1600s, as an early form of post-truth politics. Slanderous and vitriolic pamphlets were cheaply printed and widely disseminated, and the dissent that they fomented contributed to starting wars and revolutions such as the English Civil War (1642–1651) and (much later) the American Revolution (1765–1783). This how it is origin and widely spread all around the world.

Post - Truth Politics :-

  Post - truth politics is something in which debates framed largely by emotional appeals. And constantly lie and untruth is repeated. And that is the simple process of earning points to which factual informations and truth are ignored. The biggest example in politics about the post truth is Donald Trump, he is the most important post - Truth figure of the era. When he won United States election in 2016, it was the big shock for people. Because when scholars search factuality of his statements, 75% of his statements was come out as a false or unworthy. 15% was half truth and the other 10% is fully truth. He set the example of post truth effect on people that how people get easily influenced by post - Truth. Let me put here some of the cartoon pictures, which are related with Donald Trump. (Click here to read more about this )

Social media and post - Truth :-

Due to the developments in information technologies in the last 20 years, social media is frequently used especially for mobile devices for news announcement and follow-up. This has led to a large increase in the number of information produced, too. Considering information/news sharing pages on social media around the world and sharing/posting too much information or news, there are many news sources that need to be verified after accessed. There is no accuracy filtering process in the dissemination of information on social media and therefore, unverifiable news can affect the masses in a very short time. Nowadays, it is important that users check the reality of such information in social media. In this study, it is tried to investigate how the post-truth concept which the Oxford Dictionary has chosen as the word of the year in 2016 in social media.

  We find many examples of post - truth in social media, that how wide spreaded fake news and social media comments over powered reality and truth. Most of the fake news spreaded about the life of actor - actresses, politicians and businessmen or we can say that from life of famous figures. Let me give one or two examples of that.

Examples -

1] controversial model and actor poonam pandey, was in hospital after being allegedly assaulted by her husband Sam Bombay. At the same time some one spread a fake news through social media, and viral image of a badly injured women, lying on bad. And people started considering her poonam pandey. The news spreaded widely and created many problems for poonam and her family.

2] another incident take place from California when California Gov. Gavin Newsom getting the COVID - 19 booster on oct - 27 and then canceled a trip and did not participate in any official public events for 12 days. Social media posts claimed, without evidence, that Newsom was suffering serious side effects from the booster. But his staff denied that he had an “adverse reaction” to the shot and, during this time, he appeared twice on social media and reportedly attended a wedding. (For more information click here).

Post - Truth and problems :-

Several times this kind of post - truth causes a serious problems. Because it is something about opinion not about fact or truth. In 2021, the trend of post - truth spread widely and mainly the internet and social media boost it high.
   People easily started believing in the news which they read or watch on social media. They doesn't care what information being distributed and is it has any truth or factuality or not? And people easily came under the bad influence of that. Then one meaningless idea or we can say rumor, effect giant group of people. To understand the disadvantages of post - truth, Here i put one video related this.

Thus to conclud we can able to concider a post - truth as a most powerful and new word in the field of politics and others. To watch more cartoon sketches, related with this post - truth (click here.)

Words :- 1364
Paragraphs :- 8
Resources :-
1) dictionary. Com
2) Wikipedia. Com
3) brainly. Com
4) collinsdictionary. Com
Researchgate. Com

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