Paper number - 106 - The Twentieth Century Literature: 1900 to World War II.
Unit - 1 The Waste Land
The waste Land through pendemic Lance, Indian Philosophy in poem, summary of the poem, Nietzche's views and universality of thought, Important Themes, comparison of Eliot and Freud's views, and chart of characters, seasons, birds, animals, places, myths etc used in poem. Tap to read
Unit - 3 The Great Gatsby
General Movie Over View with Chosen Questions.
Unit - 4 poems of W. B. Yeats
Critical study of poem, The Second Coming
Paper number 107
Unit 1, Waiting for Godot
Existentialism and Nihilism in Waiting for Godot.
Unit - 2 Ninteen Eighty-Four
Paper - 110
Absurd theatre :-